What is Healthy Masculinity? - Quiz for Men to Find Their Style
When it comes to how men are expected to act, there are certain characteristics that conjure up certain images. For instance, there’s the idea of being strong and stoic. In other words, being a ‘tough guy’ who doesn’t let anything get in his way. There are also more feminine attributes such as gentleness and emotional sensitivity. So what does this all mean? Is it possible for a man to embody both masculine and feminine traits? And if so, why shouldn’t he? To explore this further, keep reading and find out more about healthy masculinity: its definitions, the positives and negatives of having it, and how you can work towards embodying more of it in your everyday life...
What is healthy masculinity?
Simply put, healthy masculinity is the type of masculinity that society is looking for. It’s what society deems as “normal” or “right”. It’s a mix of traits that come together to form an overall ‘man’. Men who are healthy are emotionally stable, self-aware, strong, confident, and selfless. They also know their own strengths and weaknesses, and are able to accept that they’re not perfect and aren’t expected to be.
Definitions of Healthy Masculinity
- Mature - Having a clear sense of self and knowing your strengths and weaknesses - - Emotional Self-Awareness - Understanding your emotions and how they affect others - - Emotional Stability - Being able to stay calm and steady in stressful situations - - Confidence - The feeling that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to - - Empathy - Understanding how others feel and showing compassion - - Self-Love - Affirming your own feelings and beliefs - - Acceptance - Being able to give and accept love -
Positives of Having Healthy Masculinity in Your Life
- Confident - Healthy masculinity helps men become more confident in themselves and their relationships. This can result in better relationships with others, as well as with self. Confident men also tend to be more assertive and vocal about what they want, which can result in better outcomes in life. - Selfless - Healthy masculinity naturally creates a sense of unselfishness and empathy in men. This is especially present in men who have healthy masculinity, as they tend to be more selfless than those who don’t. This can result in better relationships with others, as well as with the world around you. - Emotional Strength - Healthy masculinity can help men build emotional strength. This can help them handle things better when they’re sad, angry, or stressed. Healthy masculinity can also help you process things better when things go wrong, so you don’t get teary and upset as much. - Intuition - Healthy masculinity can help men hone their intuition. This can help them connect with their gut feelings more, which can help them make better decisions in life. - More Open Minded - Healthy masculinity can help men be more open-minded. This can help them see things from different perspectives, which can help them see things in new ways. - Better Relationships - Healthy masculinity can help men have better relationships with their friends, family, and significant others. It can help them be more selfless, self-aware, confident, and empathetic. This can result in better relationships overall.
Negatives of Having Healthy Masultinity
- Rigidity - As men grow in healthy masculinity, they become more rigid in their views. This can make them less open-minded, as well as less intuitive. - More Hair - Healthy masculinity can increase your chances of growing hair all over your body. This isn’t something that everyone wants and can result in initial feelings of self-consciousness. - More Stubble - Healthy masculinity can make men’s beards grow thicker and more unruly. This isn’t something that everyone wants, and can make you look like a bad-ass at the same time. - Stronger Voice - As men become more masculine, they tend to have a deeper voice. This isn’t something that everyone wants, and can make you sound like a different person. - More Muscle - Healthy masculinity can make men’s muscles grow larger, which isn’t something that everyone wants. This can result in feelings of self-consciousness. - More Hair on Body - Healthy masculinity can result in more hair on your body, such as on your chest. This isn’t something that everyone wants, and can make you feel self-conscious.
How to Work Towards Having Healthy Masculinity
- Understand your emotions - Healthy masculinity can help you understand your emotions and how they affect others. This can help you stay more self-aware and calm in stressful situations. - Understand your thoughts - Healthy masculinity can help you understand the thoughts that you have, which can help you be less rigid in your views. This can help you be more open-minded and less rigid in your thoughts. - Think before you speak - Healthy masculinity can help you think before you speak, which can help you communicate in a clearer and more assertive way. This can result in better outcomes overall. - Know your own strengths and weaknesses - Healthy masculinity can help you know your strengths and weaknesses, which can help you accept that you’re not perfect and aren’t expected to be. - Accept others’ feelings - Healthy masculinity can help you accept others’ feelings and how they’re feeling, which can help you be more compassionate. - Accept your feelings - Healthy masculinity can help you accept your feelings and how you’re feeling, which can help you be less self-conscious.
Healthy masculinity is what society looks for in a man. It’s what people expect from you, and what you can expect from yourself. If you work towards having healthy masculinity in your life, it can help you become more confident, unselfish, intuitive, open-minded, and self-aware. It can also make you stronger emotionally and physically, while helping you have better relationships with others and yourself. Healthy masculinity can help you become a better version of yourself.
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